Rarely do I go on political rants. Most people know that I'm fiscally conservative, and socially liberal with a few minor tweaks for the most part. I don't hide it, I don't waffle, I believe what I believe, and I stick to it. I don't change what I think based on a whim. I don't blow in the wind, as this is one of the surest ways to failure in life.
This current topic, based in the political arena however, relates to another very important success principle that has recently been changing the face of our nation - accountability.
As most people around the country know by now, the democrats in the Wisconsin Senate have recently come across legislation they disagree with. Instead of doing what adults do, and what they're paid for - debating and settling the issue on the floor - they ran away. Like children who don't get their way.
Sure they knew they didn't have enough of them to get their way with a vote. They knew they couldn't win a vote and block the passage of Governor Walker's proposal. So what do you do in that case? Apparently turn tail and run.
Screenwriters in Hollywood know that people tend to not be themselves when times are good. The characters have to be put in dire situations before their true character shows. Want to see if a man believes in family over friends? Hang the man's friend and the man's brother over a cliff, and see who he chooses.
What are we learning in Wisconsin? The true nature of the Democrats in the Senate - when times are tough, when you don't get your way, become a coward and run away. Is this the type of person you want working for you?
What is this teaching our children? If you don't get your way, run away and hide. You don't have to face your problems. Push them off on someone else to take care of. Well like it or not that's become the American way. The adults who sanction this incompetence by their actions and words are completely at fault. This breed of losers is showing the children the most unacceptable way to handle problems - stick your head in the sand like an ostrich, or just whine and cry until you get your way.
If I had my way I'd be proposing new legislation making it mandatory to stop pay for any legislator going AWOL during the time they should be working.
It's time we man-and-women-up and take accountability for our actions, and teach the same to the children and young adults of this country. If we don't we will soon be a nation of losers, just like the Democratic runaways in Wisconsin.
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