Thursday, October 13, 2011

Change for the better?

Why is it that the invention of plastic bags has seemingly changed the way we great each other? Now, almost single-handedly, there seems to be no equal in terms of how one particular product has  replaced our standard way of greeting people. Instead of the ‘old’ way of saying “Hi, how are you today?” It now seems to simply be, “Paper or plastic?”

I’m not sure why it couldn’t be, ‘Hi, how are you today? Would you like paper or plastic?’ Why must we completely eliminate our old system of pleasantly greeting each other first, and then follow that with the cold questions of grocery functionality? Why can’t today’s workers integrate a normal greeting, followed by that moronic phrase?

Perhaps it won’t be long before we are walking down the street and the greeting there, as we pass each other, will also be, “Paper or plastic?”. Surely I jest, yet this may actually be preferable to the way most people pass each other today with a blank stare. Similarly, being lost in a cell phone conversation, or listening to your new favorite songs on an i-pod while blocking out the rest of the apparently unimportant world isn’t a whole lot better. At least if we said “Paper or plastic?” to everyone we encountered, it would be a start back to that age-old thing we used to call ‘communication’.

Maybe the best thing that could happen would be to simply eliminate the ‘paper’ option at the grocery store all together. At least then they would have to say something a little more intelligent. But then again, it might turn into, “Bag, or no bag?”

Yeah, I’ll just carry it all by hand. Forget I even brought this up….

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