Apparently US Airways doesn't mind seating him next to you.
This one can be another topic chalked up to the slow destruction of the United States, due to the widely accepted, and devastating results, of our new 'politically correct' society.
Everyone's fear of offending someone else, even though it's occasionally the right thing to do, has created a society of wimps afraid to do what's right.
The article I just read talks about a man dressed in women's panties, a bra, and thigh-high stockings, who boarded a US Airways flight from Ft. Lauderdale, to Phoenix. No one working for US Airways asked him to cover himself, or get off the plane. According to a US Airways spokesperson, their policy is that anyone can fly as long as their genitals are covered. She said, 'We don't have a dress code...if they're not exposing their private parts, they're allowed to fly.'
I, for one, do not want to be seated next to this guy exercising what is no less than moronic judgement. I don't want my leg to touch this guy, and I wouldn't have any interest in seeing anything like that - especially trapped only inches away, on a four-hour flight.
The American civilization is declining at a dramatic rate due to the current generation's seemingly only motto - not to make anyone feel uncomfortable, welcome diversity, and let anyone do anything they want without judging.
There's no question when we use our god-given brains and common sense, that this case severely crosses the line of public decency. Other business have dress codes indicating things like, 'No shirt, No shoes, No service'. Surely US Airways could implement a policy similar to these if they desired. I don't think too many people would argue with, 'Cover your *ss, or you don't get a seat'.
While some people will publicly argue that this is o.k., I don't think most of the population actually thinks that way. And I don't think most people would actually want to sit next to this guy. I think the biggest problem is that people are too fearful of hurting someone else's feelings by speaking up when they should.
If someone dressed this way wants to sit next to me on a flight, you better believe I'll be asking the flight attendant to seat him next to someone else. Hopefully my move will make everyone else bold enough to do the right thing, and presumably if no one wants to sit next to this guy, it will send a strong message to US Airways, or any other airline moronic enough to have a similar policy.
For those of you who are a bit squeamish about doing the right thing for fear of offending, here's the line I use to decide where I feel it's o.k. to voice my opinion - if it is something physical about a person that they have no control over, it's off-limits for comment. That's it. If it's something the individual chooses to do, causing others to be uncomfortable or inconvenienced, it's fair game. I don't cut on people, but the moronic actions people take are fair game for my big yap all day long.
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