That’s what my good friend, Joe Amoia, “TheSmarter Dating Guy”, tells me. He says that when he’s consulting with a woman about dating, all it takes is 15 seconds on the phone to know if he’s able to help her or not. Some women, those who have no interest in changing their ways or taking advice, no matter how much anyone tries, just can’t be helped – yet.
I find the same thing during my coaching sessions. Unfortunately, however, one I did recently took almost five minutes into the call before the telling words came spewing from her mouth. “That’s just the way I am”, she said, as if I was supposed to work around that ‘minor’ issue, and fix her problem anyway.
My thoughts: Presumably, you wouldn’t be talking to me or looking for advice if you were 100% happy with your life the way it currently is.
What I actually said: “If you continue to stay the same, and continue to do what you’ve always done, you will continue to get what you’ve always got. Are you happy with what you are getting from life, and the position you are currently in?”
I don’t even have to tell you that her answer was a resounding ‘no’. Yet she was unwilling to change ‘the way she is’. Sorry, can’t help you. There is just no way to help someone who is unwilling to change.
We can take this a bit further. We can’t solve our problems if we are thinking on the same level as when we got into them. We have to think at a higher ‘frequency’, or on a higher level. Let’s look at an obvious example when we know we can’t think clearly – when someone is intoxicated by alcohol. A lot of people get in trouble when they are operating at a thought level of being drunk. It isn’t until becoming sober that you can start to solve the problem you got yourself into when you were drunk. When you try to solve your problem, still under the influence of alcohol, you tend to create more problems for yourself.
The people around you can see this quite clearly. They are operating at a much higher thought level, and you are literally moving, and thinking, much slower. Sometimes the difference is almost comical. Unfortunately, when we are talking about success or failure in life, the results are not comical. The level we are thinking on will dictate a happy and fulfilling life, or a life of misery and disappointment.
Before you can even get to the higher level to think more clearly and solve your problems, you must first be willing to change what you are currently doing if you want something different in your life. Remember, ‘insanity’ is simply doing the same thing today as you did yesterday, yet expecting a different result tomorrow.
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