Sunday, August 15, 2010

Marked Dollar bills with Positive G stamp

It has been called to my attention that there have been sightings of one dollar bills, five dollar bills, ten dollar bills, twenty dollar bills, fifty dollar bills, and even one hundred dollar bills, marked with a Positive G stamped logo. These apparently also display the web address of It is comforting to know that loyal supporters and Positive G admirers would go to the extreme of creating a stamp, and spending the time to mark US currency with the Positive G logo. I'd also like to call to the attention of those doing this that it is illegal to deface US currency. We would recommend that the practice stop, although it is interesting to know there are die-hard fans of Positive G out there. We thank you for your support, but in the interest of following our own code of ethics and abiding by the law, we regrettably suggest the practice should be halted. Thanks for your strong support of Positive G and!

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