Friday, April 29, 2011

Common sense gun control

With all the rhetoric about gun control, deaths, and violence, I have yet to see a simple, logical, question about what any further tightening of gun control will do.

While all the numbers I have seen indicate less gun control laws actually make people safer, there are those who choose to see it differently.

So, for the sake of argument, lets say that the actual statistics can be used by either 'side' in this argument, and used to either side's advantage, or proof of a point. Let's take the numbers out of the equation and simply concentrate on logical, real-world scenarios, which is where all of this plays out anyway.

Let's say there are three people in a room: one who believes in concealed carry and has a gun, another who exercises the right to not carry, and a criminal with a gun.

If the person with no gun is in danger due to the criminal being present and having a gun, is that person in any more in danger because there is another person, a law-abiding citizen, who also has a gun.

If the person with no gun is being attacked by the criminal, is that same person with no gun in more danger with the concealed carry holder there to protect them? Most would argue that there is no more danger to unarmed person, and perhaps even less danger, since there is a chance someone can now defend the unarmed person.

Let's take it a step further and assume for a minute the world looks as it would with laws prohibiting the carrying of firearms by law-abiding citizens. We could take it even further, such as the way things were in Chicago not long ago with the gun ban, where no one is allowed to have a gun.

This way, in a world banning guns, and in the previous scenario of the three people, the card-carrying permit holder now does not have a gun. The person exercising the right not to carry does not have a gun. And the criminal who previously had a gun now - has a gun. Yes, still has a gun.

Remember, gun laws, like other laws, only pertain to law-abiding citizens. Laws don't affect criminals.

So now, are we any safer in this hypothetical situation, in a world as it would look with strict gun control. Only the criminals have guns, and there is no one to defend anyone else, nor themselves, in any meaningfully comparable way.

All statistics and rhetoric aside, it's hard to argue with the common sense that will tell us that strict gun control can only make us worse off, by allowing only criminals to have guns. The allowance of guns in the hands of law abiding citizens can not make us worse off, might be completely neutral, but may have the benefit of making us much safer in a situation calling for such.

Think about it.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

You can be right; but you could also be dead

This has nothing to do with being Republican, or conservative. I'm talking about actions taken by people.

I was reminded of this the other day when I pulled into the local grocery store parking lot. As I was passing in front of the store, an employee was sauntering across the traffic lane in his fluorescent vest.

Of course there is always the area near the entrance marked with the diagonal yellow lines and a sign mentioning something about yielding to pedestrians. In this area we are fairly aware that pedestrians have the right of way. This employee was not in that area.

Truth is, no matter where a pedestrian is, it would be hard to legally argue that they don't have the right of way. So, of course, it would be in all our best interests to yield to pedestrians whether they are in a 'walkway' or not.

That being said, there are two things about this previous incident that rub me the wrong way. 1.) His pace of movement was near incalculable because he was obviously in no hurry to gather the carts in the lot. If he was my employee, he'd be fired for moving so slow, and not giving a crap about his own safety. This brings be to point 2.) Our own safety.

It's true pedestrians have the right of way. It's also true that when a human is pitted against a moving vehicle, my money is on the vehicle.

I can't count the number of times I've seen people cross the street, in a crosswalk or not, without looking, then state, 'Well, I've got the right of way.' 

So what?!

Then there are some people who purposely walk slow across the street just to make cars slow down - morons! What if the driver truly doesn't see you?

I saw a video on TV the other day with some idiot protesters laying in front of a truck on the street. The driver didn't see them. Guess what? I suppose it's somewhat a just result for the lack of intelligence that went into that particularly stupid move. (by the way, no one died, but they did get injured)

If it comes to a showdown, if you end up dead, who cares if you are right?

So, would you rather be right, or be alive? Choose wisely.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Can you count?

This will be short and sweet.

If you can't count to six, or ten, or whatever is posted at the express checkout lane of the grocery store, then do the rest of us a favor and stay home.

And for the grocery stores, if someone has more than the allowed number of items, tell them to take their @$$ to the next lane. Why are you letting them stall everyone else - you, Mr. Checkout Person, are part of the problem.

And also, any grocery store with management with half of a brain, should make these lanes 'no checks allowed'. The idea is speed. These lanes are for the people who need to get something quick and get out.

When I'm behind you, yes I am counting your items. And if it is me behind you, I will make a big deal out of it because you are too self-centered to care about anyone else, and you deserve to be called out. You may get away with it most of the time because most people are too afraid to say anything - I'm not. You'll hope it's not me behind you if you're trying to skate by. Or better yet, take your @$$ to the next lane, and we can all live in peace. 

Friday, April 8, 2011


As I write this, the case involving Barry Bonds' accused use of steroids is underway, and in the hands of the jury. This case started in 2003, and as of this minute it is still unresolved.

That isn't what bothers me. It's the fact that this is being handled by the U.S. Court System. The United States has Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya, and a national budget issue that currently threatens to shut down the federal government, among other problems to contend with. And they are wasting their time on the game of baseball.

Let me fill the court in on something: almost ALL the winners are on steroids! You won't hear many other people say that, but it's time to face the truth. I'm not condoning the practice, but I certainly understand why. All it takes is for one person to take them, then if the others want to compete, they too must take them. That's all it takes - one person starting it.

It's like women and makeup. Once one girl makes herself prettier, now all the other girls have to keep up. My preference would be that no women wore makeup because I'd rather know what I'm getting, and eventually I've gotta see what you really look like. This is just as much of a crime as taking steroids. The prettiest girls will still be the prettiest without their makeup. The best athletes will still be the best without steroids - but once one person starts, the race is on.

So let's just all understand that it's about as controllable as stopping women from using their makeup. There are are ways to beat the tests including new drugs that don't show up. Then when they are able to be tested for, another new drug shows up. Let's just accept that it's not controllable.

Let's put our efforts where they belong and stop wasting our time on someone who plays a game, who may or may not have taken an illegal drug, based on some shaky evidence, of a questionable attorney. Sheeesh! Let's get our country in order first!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Can the Gym Tell Us About People?

Back to the gym today after taking a couple planned weeks off.

As I was getting ready to use one of the workout areas, I noticed that someone else had left the bar and weights in the area. Since it's rude to remove another person's weights and use the space, at least without asking, I looked around to see if anyone was in fact working out there.

The gym was basically dead at 0500 with only two other people working out. One was with me and I knew she was not the source of the gear being left on the equipment. The other person was on the treadmill and it was highly unlikely he was the source of this situation.

This reminded me about a great lesson in life that so many people ignore as they traipse around during the day in their own little self-absorbed world - our actions affect others. Unfortunately, these idiotic actions by others show that a lot of people just don't care.

Every time I'm done working out on each piece of equipment, I put it back to the way it was when I got there - empty. I don't even leave a small amount of gear on the equipment thinking, as some do, 'anyone can do that amount of weight'. Some people can't. So I put it back.

Every time you don't clean up after yourself, whether it's at home, at work, or at the gym, someone else has to do it. You are basically saying, 'Be my servant. Clean up after me. I am better than you.' It's not just about at the gym. It's about being courteous everywhere. Sure you might get away with it for a while, but in short order everyone will 'have your number' and have no interest in associating with you.

This also goes for 'working in' on someone else's equipment at the gym. First, ask if they will let you. If they do, then put the machine or gear back to the way it was - the way the other person had it - when you are done with your set. Since a lot of people don't understand this, I've found myself having to say, 'Sure you can work in, and I'd like you to just make sure you put it back to the way I had it after each of your sets.' They often act offended, but here's the rule of life - 'He who has the gold, makes the rules.'

You've got two choices: I'm nice enough to let you work in; you can be nice enough to make my life as easy as possible, or, You can wait. I don't care which you choose.

I also like to say, if you want something from someone, make it as easy as possible for that person to get you what you want. If you don't, you'll often find that you'll have to do without. Treat others as you wish to be treated. You'll be amazed at the number of doors it opens for you!